How to protect your business

Here are just come of the ways you could protect your business:

Clearly display your terms and conditions

Your terms and conditions should be displayed on your website and it is a good idea to ensure that any customers sign a contract that includes them agreeing to your terms and conditions. Set out clearly what your terms of business are, your responsibilities towards your customers and their responsibility towards you.

Focus on your core offering

Specialise in what you do and try and do everything for everyone. You should also consider outsourcing some of the jobs you can’t do or don’t have time to do to help you focus on your core business, such as bookkeeping, admin and marketing.

Protect your intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) involves anything that you have created with your mind e.g. your business logo and business name. While your office is ‘tangible property’, your business name and logo are ‘intangible property’ as they do not have a physical substance.

You can apply for a trademark online and use copyright to protect anything you create, displaying this clearly on your website and marketing materials.

Insure your business

There are many types of insurance available, and it’s important to know what type applies to your small business as some are a legal requirement. If in doubt, seek advice from an insurance specialist.

  • benefits
  • business
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  • cash flow
  • cost effective
  • costs
  • dojo
  • finances
  • payments
  • protect
  • taxi drivers
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